How Much Does Cynthia Nixon Weigh?
Cynthia Nixon weighs close to 130 pounds.
How Tall is Cynthia Nixon?
Cynthia Nixon is approximately 5’8” in height.
What is Cynthia Nixon’s Bra Size?
Cynthia’s bra size is a 32B.
About Cynthia Nixon’s weight:
Cynthia Nixon has played in a variety of movies including Sex in the City 2, The Big Rock, and World Without End. Cynthia is also a true athlete in the sense she has battled and ran the race against breast cancer.
Cynthia’s life is a very private one. She has been in a variety of relationships (male and female) and is now in a relationship with Christine Marinoni. She has several children in this life and also has kept her weight at a healthy limit.
With children, obviously Cynthia Nixon stays very busy. She is not only a mother, but also works and takes care of the family. She is full of energy and is always on the go day in and day out. She has no problem burning calories consumed from day to day.
What types of foods does Cynthia eat? We have heard that she really likes to eat sushi on a regular basis along with her well-loved sides of vegetables. Eating healthy is a very important part of her routine especially since the fight with breast cancer.
What types of exercise does Cynthia like? When doing research, we found that she loves to do yoga on a regular basis as well as some gymnastics. She has also been known to take part in ballet and Tai chi. Exercise should be a part of everyone’s daily life along with eating healthily for the body.
Cynthia is a voice for other women who have suffered from breast cancer. She truly understands the effort it takes to make the proper choices in life, especially when it comes to eating and exercising. Staying healthy is key to living life!