How Much Does Arnold Schwarzenegger Weigh?
Arnold Schwarzenegger weighs close to 250 pounds.
How Tall is Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Arnold Schwarzenegger is approximately 6’2” in height.
About Arnold Schwarzenegger’s weight:
Arnold Schwarzenegger is well known for his career as a body builder, actor, and politician. He is currently in his mid-sixties and is going strong. He holds a dual citizenship in the United States and Austria.
Arnold has played in many popular films including Villain, Raw Deal, End of Days, Terminator, Around the World in Eighty Days, Predator, Kindergarten Cop, The Last Stand, and Total Recall. He is currently working on another Terminator film, Expandables film, Sabotage film, and Maggie which should be coming out this year.
In the area of diet and exercise, Arnold Schwarzenegger holds much knowledge in the area of body building and weight lifting. He holds various titles and championships including Mr. Olympia. Arnold did not win the first time he competed for this well-known title. He lost in 1969 and came back one year later after hard work and won the title being the youngest to ever hold the record. Arnold still holds this record to this day.
During the legal use of steroids, Arnold Schwarzenegger admits to using the drugs while following a very strict diet to prepare for contests. Now with the drugs being illegal for bodybuilding contests, he has refrained from using them. His entire regime is healthier and more natural than in his younger years.
Do you follow Arnold Schwarzenegger in his many careers? Do you think he will ever lose the Mr. Olympia title? Please comment here on Celebrity Weigh In concerning Arnold’s fitness regime.
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