Ryan Lochte Weight

at the "The Expendables 2" Los Angeles Premiere, Chinese Theater, Hollywood, CA 08-15-12

How Much Does Ryan Lochte Weigh?

Ryan Lochte weighs close to 200 pounds.


How Tall is Ryan Lochte?

Ryan Lochte is approximately 6’2” in height.


About Ryan Lochte weight:

Ryan Lochte is an international swimmer who was born in America. He is very competitive in his sport and has won eleven Olympic medals over the years. He is ranked as the second all-time swimmer in the world. He has worked hard for many years and has broken world swimming records. Ryan holds a variety of awards in his sport.

How old was Ryan when he began swimming? He was around the age of five and often times found him self getting into trouble in the family pool. When Ryan was in his teenage years, he became serious about the sport. After losing a few times in the Olympics, Ryan kicked up his game even more – becoming even more aggressive in competition.

Much hard work has gone into training on a daily basis to be the best he is today. He has spent many hours upon hours swimming and exercising as well as eating right. He even attended school while working on his dream of being one of the best swimmers in the world.

How determined are you to get into shape? Are you willing to make lifestyle adjustments like competitive athletes? You can take one step at a time and make healthy lifestyle changes which will give you the benefit in life. Start by making a decision to lose weight and to exercise on a daily basis. Create a plan of action and you can work to succeed one step at a time!

Do you enjoy watching the Olympic swimmers? Do you like Ryan Lochte and follow him? We would love to hear your comments! Please leave them below in the comment section!

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