Dremiel Byers Weight

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How Much Does Dremiel Byers Weigh?

Dremiel Byers weighs close to 270 pounds.


How Tall is Dremiel Byers?

Dremiel Byers is approximately 6’2” in height.

About Dremiel Byers’ weight:

Dremiel Byers is from the United States and he is known from his wrestling career. During his high school years, he was heavy into football as well as wrestling. He has done outstanding work resulting in many championships within the wrestling industry. Dremiel has also served our country as a sergeant in the United States Army.

Eating for strength and endurance has been no issue for Dremiel. He gets plenty of protein in his diet while training as well as during off seasons. He adds a large number of supplements to his dietary plan and has plenty of fluid intakes.
Diets familiar to many wrestlers are part of Dremiel Byers’ routine. He is also accustomed to plenty of time exercising and training during life. He has even had time to make history during Olympic events. Much time and discussion goes into a daily eating and exercise routine with these athletes.

Have you enjoyed watching Dremiel Byers during Olympic or even wrestling events? How do you feel about Dremiel taking time to serve his country? We would love to hear your thoughts.

Photo Information: This photo is provided by and given credit to familymwr on Flickr.com. To read more about Creative Commons Licensing, please visit here.

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