Ian Harding Weight

attends the ABC TCA Winter 2013 Party

How Much Does Ian Harding Weigh?

Ian Harding weighs close to 165 pounds.


How Tall is Ian Harding?

Ian Harding is approximately 5’11” in height.


About Ian Harding’s weight:

Ian Harding is currently known for his role playing as an American actor in Pretty Little Liars. He also has played in the following: The Third Eye, Deadtime Stories, as well as Love and Other Drugs. Ian Harding is currently in his twenties and was born in Germany. His family moved to the United States where Ian became interested in acting.

Ian weighs in at approximately 165 pounds at nearly six feet tall. His body is in high gear when it comes to burning calories. Most men at this age do not have to be concerned about their weight unless they have overeaten when they were younger.

Listed as one of the sexiest men in 2012, Ian holds first place in this respect. He has a great looking body, a nice charm, and many ladies keeping an eye on him. Very little info is found on his eating and exercise regime. It is unknown if he has played any type of sports in his past.

So, do you think he enjoys working out? Rock climbing? Playing tennis? Do you think he enjoys going to an occasional football game with friends? Or, do you think he is more a social king when it comes to having time with family and friends?

Since Ian was born in Germany, he more than likely has gained exposure to some traditional German cuisines. His family has military background which has also allowed him to travel to different places in the world.

Do you feel Ian is a meat eater, or a vegetarian?  Do you think he enjoys German lagers on occasion? In German, wheat beer and cola is popular as well as wheat bear and lemonade. Mixing of beers is very much the norm in the area.

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