Debra Messing Weight

Debra Messing

How Much Does Debra Messing Weigh?

Debra Messing weighs close to 120 pounds.


How Tall is Debra Messing?

Debra Messing is approximately 5’8” in height.


What is Debra Messing Bra Size?

Debra’s bra size is a 34B.

About Debra Messing’s weight:

Debra Messing is an American actress who is currently in her mid-forties. She has been in this occupation since the 1990s. She has played in some of the following films: A Walk in the Clouds, Celebrity, Jesus, Hollywood Ending, The Wedding Date, Purple Violets, Lucky You, The Women, and Nothing Like the Holidays. Messing has also appeared on television in NYPD Blue, Seinfield, Will & Grace, and Smash.

Messing follows her Jewish heritage when it comes to her lifestyle. This includes her eating style. She does appear to do some physical fitness to keep her weight down. Her lower weight can also be attributed to eating smaller amounts of food. Debra Messing has done well in keeping her body at an acceptable weight.

Within the Jewish lifestyle, some foods can be eaten while others cannot. Preparation of the foods eaten is also taken into consideration. With the world being full of processed foods, it can sometimes be challenging to follow spiritual guidelines.

Do you follow the Jewish lifestyle? What do you feel are some of the high points in this choice of living as it pertains to weight? Do you feel more people should follow the Jewish lifestyle? We would love to hear your weight related views here on Celebrity Weigh In!

Photo Information: This photo is provided by and given credit to David Shankbone on To read more about Creative Commons Licensing, please visit here.

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